Saturday, March 31, 2012

Starring on the Silver Screen

At first I was afraid. Afraid of what you were capable of doing to me. To my heart and my dreams.

To my soft and fragile hands.

But now that I know you, have cried these tears over your dead body, I know that now all I want to do is hold you close and show you that I have always cared.

I wish now I could have said more to you before you took in your last gasp of polluted oxygen.

The time has come for me to meet my maker and to repay him in kind for all that he's done.

I told you, only truth. For 20 years I sought only this day. Nothing else existed... until I saw
you. Then everything changed. I fell in love with you Evey. And to think I no longer believed I could.
But I don't want you to die!
That's the most beautiful thing you could have ever given me.

You taught me so much. Taught me how to be strong and how to be independent.

You showed me how to teach others what is really important.

I can't help but think of what you have done for me.

I wish I could take back some things I said.

Are you like a... crazy person?
I'm quite sure they will say so.

I will never forget you.

Evey Hammond

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