Sunday, March 25, 2012

Everything You Could Ever Want

Close your eyes.

You're sitting outside in the tall grass with me and you look into my eyes. What color are they?

Yours are blue but slightly pale. Are you feeling ill?

The animals all hide away from us, but the birds used to come out a long time ago. That is, until you caught one out of the air and snapped it's neck.

They don't sing anymore. They hide.

I slowly pull the blanket over my head so you can't cut me with your sharp glances.

I'm beautiful.
No you're not.
I'm worth more than this.
You disgust me.

You fill my mind with disease and leave my soul to die a slow and painful death.

Outside of the little world I created here in the dark, you come closer and shoot a white rabbit that was coming to take me to Wonderland. It bleeds from it's eye as it gasps in it's last breath.

My hopes and dreams fall limp in my arms and tears form in my eyes. I look up to you as you stand above me, gun now pointed at my frieghtened expression.

Is this what you want?
Of course not!
Then why do you tempt me?

One sound echos around me and I touch the hole in my shoulder that stinks of rust and oozes life. I take one look at my fading hand that is covered with your laughs in the backround.

One look at your joy and I fade away.

Maybe this is what I wanted.
I sure hope it is.

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