I'm sick of stating all the negative because it's the only thing the world dwells on. So I'm going to bust out of the confinements of social norms and look at the positive.
What makes me happy?
Capri suns on a cold winter day with Oreo cookies makes me happy.
Holding hands with interlocking fingers that squeeze each other tightly, reassuring that those are safe and caring hands makes me happy.
Hiking at five o'clock in the morning on a summer day makes me happy.
Watching myself make a fool of myself makes me happy.
Making other people happy makes me happy.
Playing the piano makes me happy.
Taking pictures of nature makes me happy.
Learning about something that interests me on my own time makes me happy.
Pulling pranks on other people makes me VERY happy.
It makes me happy that someone like you would want to be mine.
Laying in a field of tall grass and picking pictures out of the clouds and the stars above makes me happy.
Sidewalk chalk makes me happy.
Music makes me reminisce and reminiscing makes me happy. Most of the time.
Getting every word I need to say out in a complete sentance, without any interuptions, makes me happy.
Amazing art work makes me happy. Whether it be painting, drawings, pictures, or poetry; it's all the same to me.
Staying positive makes me happy.
Watching good action movies makes me happy.
Bruce Wayne makes me happy.
Fluffy and soft blankets makes me happy.
So even though everything I write is depressing and frieghtening, I am very happy. I have many many many things to be greatful for and I make sure that I am.
I'm happy. Are you?
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