Red needs to find an escape. The sky out side is depressed and about to cry so she grasps her blood stained riding cloak, yanking it from it's feeble hanger. Throwing it over her already heavy shoulders, she twists the knob to say hello to the tears that are beginning to form pools on the muddy ground. The dead streets she walks through hold treasures that give her the perfect alibi for her run-away scene she created at home. She collects a dirty apple, a half eaten cake, and a ripped up basket as evidence. Sticks she finds patch up the gaping holes inside the woven container. Now all she needs is something that can patch her heart. Placing the food inside the mismatched cradel, she tucks it into the nook of her arm. She slings her head down to watch her scarlet shoes trip over each other clumsily on the damp cobblestone. God must have lost one of his angels tonight. Body slumped from the weight of the world, her locks of hair hide her face just as curtains hide the actors before the show begins. Footsteps sound in front of her.
I'm just heading to my grandma's, officer. Heavy breathing begins to get louder and louder. Lifeless eyes turn up to see who else has decided to stand over her, looking down at the tiny, pathetic bag of bones beneath them with judgmental eyes. The cold in the air turns the warmth in his breath into a thick fog that blinds her for a brief moment. Inches away from her, her worst fear stands. She remains still, she has no intrest in showing any emotion. She remains distant, just as she practiced at home earlier that evening. She's been bruised too badly tonight to care about experiencing more pain.
Death doesn't frighten her at this hour.
Eyes pierce her skin trying to reach her heart for a quick end, but her heart is too hard to penetrate with terror, and too cold to ever experience passion. To ever feel the thing they call love. The soaked black hair on the beast's back stands on end as he angers from the lack of interest she is showing towards him. He snarls and slides his feet and body into a lunging position. The girl camouflages her eyes with the shadow from her hood and the corners of her mouth turn upward in amusment because of how naive this wolf has become. His feet lift off the ground with a mighty push, she imagines the creature that is ten times her size flying through the air and a laugh forms in her throat. She swings her arm, basket gliding in slow motion towards the monster, and smacks him square in the jaw. Perfectly. His hot head rising in temperature, he falls to the ground, shattering everything but his bones in the process. She walks away from the wretched thing and moves in the same direction she wandered towards earlier. Her head and shoulders dangling down, curtains drawn, giggling to herself. Eyes closed she listens for his strong legs running at full speed after her, wanting to rip out her throat and she can almost see the blood that would be glistening in his eyes, but nothing dares threaten her with any sound. Besides her own two arrogant left feet stumbling over the stones beneath her and the conceited rain dripping onto her pulled up humble crimson canopy, there is only silence. She remembers that this was the first time she's laughed since daddy came back. Pleased in her findings, she walks towards grandma's, picking up sticks to fix the newly formed holes in her basket of goodies.
I'm just heading to my grandma's, officer. Heavy breathing begins to get louder and louder. Lifeless eyes turn up to see who else has decided to stand over her, looking down at the tiny, pathetic bag of bones beneath them with judgmental eyes. The cold in the air turns the warmth in his breath into a thick fog that blinds her for a brief moment. Inches away from her, her worst fear stands. She remains still, she has no intrest in showing any emotion. She remains distant, just as she practiced at home earlier that evening. She's been bruised too badly tonight to care about experiencing more pain.
Death doesn't frighten her at this hour.
Eyes pierce her skin trying to reach her heart for a quick end, but her heart is too hard to penetrate with terror, and too cold to ever experience passion. To ever feel the thing they call love. The soaked black hair on the beast's back stands on end as he angers from the lack of interest she is showing towards him. He snarls and slides his feet and body into a lunging position. The girl camouflages her eyes with the shadow from her hood and the corners of her mouth turn upward in amusment because of how naive this wolf has become. His feet lift off the ground with a mighty push, she imagines the creature that is ten times her size flying through the air and a laugh forms in her throat. She swings her arm, basket gliding in slow motion towards the monster, and smacks him square in the jaw. Perfectly. His hot head rising in temperature, he falls to the ground, shattering everything but his bones in the process. She walks away from the wretched thing and moves in the same direction she wandered towards earlier. Her head and shoulders dangling down, curtains drawn, giggling to herself. Eyes closed she listens for his strong legs running at full speed after her, wanting to rip out her throat and she can almost see the blood that would be glistening in his eyes, but nothing dares threaten her with any sound. Besides her own two arrogant left feet stumbling over the stones beneath her and the conceited rain dripping onto her pulled up humble crimson canopy, there is only silence. She remembers that this was the first time she's laughed since daddy came back. Pleased in her findings, she walks towards grandma's, picking up sticks to fix the newly formed holes in her basket of goodies.
1 comment:
Really well written and loved the picture at the top. It made me read it.
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