Friday, March 21, 2014


You know, it's funny.

I have become strong but I've also become very passive aggressive.

I heard a quote once.

"People never really change. "

Maybe it's true.

In this case it is.

I realized that our relationship was going to be the exact same as it was before.

Us hiding from our parents,
You pushing me under car seats,
And I being taken advantage of.

It all just became clear that day when I said I could only stay for a little while.

When I was shoved against walls,

And I kept saying "I really need to go."

And you would mumble "Mhmm."

But you still wouldn't let me leave.

And no matter how many times I told you that I felt uncomfortable,

You still persisted.

Now I understand that persistence is the key,

But you were trying to shove it into the wrong lock.

And you know, if you try to hard the key breaks.

Yes I am stronger.
I realized what was going on before it happened,
So I left.

But yes I am passive aggressive.
Because instead of fighting,
I just walked away completely.

But in my mind walking away,
Ignoring your texts and pictures of old memories,
Isn't passive aggressive.

It's smart.

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