Sunday, May 6, 2012

Careful Incision

"Well she hit them with the back of her pistol because they tainted her name and now they'll never think the same."

*He takes a sip of his wine, corners of his lips upturned. He looks towards his smiling wife who is twirling her wedding band trying to distract every one from her flattered rosy cheeks and bright gleaming eyes as she remembers the event.*

"Yes but you should have seen the way that he quickly grabbed the cane from the bucket and swung it behind him and ruined the perfect nose of the man standing behind him. The best part is that he didn't even take a single glance in his direction."

*She dabs the corners of her mouth, recognizing that she is free from the attention he drew towards her earlier.*

"Well, I think that it is time for us to leave. It was a pleasure seeing all of you."

*He stands and folds his napkin and places it on his plate as he stands. She does the same with her napkin and stands after he pulls out her chair.*

*They walk out of the restaurant quietly leaving their guests pleased with the dinner they all shared on this quiet evening.*

"Time to move positions. You do realize that the man I hit that night was that woman's cousin don't you?"
"Yes I did. You seemed like you were getting too comfortable in this town and I've grown bored with it. So I had to do something to change your mind."
"You know sometimes you can be a real bitch."
"Well, it is how it is. You don't need to go throwing names around."
"Names are much less hurtful than what I am about to do next."

*He takes his hand and forms a tight grasp on the knife that was hidden in his sock and plunges it into her back. All the world around her goes black.*

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